пятница, 9 декабря 2016 г.

Russian river trips. Russian river cruises. rivers of Russia. Usva River.

There are many species of fish in the river: grayling, taimen, nerfling, chub; and down the river there are pike, perch and others.
The origin of the river is located on the west mountainside of the Ural range nearby Hariusnaya mount. The river runs to the south and disembogues into Chusovaya River beside the town Chusovoy. The breakup of ice on the Usva usually starts at the end of April.
The river of Russia is very popular among adventure travelers and rafting fans. Rafting is available from May through September. The travelling down the river is not difficult but it is necessary to pay attention to cripples. There are more than 200 of them along the river. Besides there are some rifts there.
The first group of rifts begins after joining Porozhnaya River. The place is called Suhiye rifts. It is possible to overcome the rifts during spring flood only. In addition, there are ruins of a bridge, which was rebuilt several times but the river destroyed it again and again.
In summer in the area of Suhiye rifts it is convenient to set up a camp. Here the river divided the mountain chain long time ago. Now there is Bassegi mountains on the one side and mount Oslyanka on the other side. Not far from the area there is wildlife reserve Bassegi. You can visit it if you have a special permission, which should be received previously. The wildlife reserve is home for dozens species of birds and animals. You can see such animals as bears and elks.
At the place where River Nyrok joins Usva there is Shumichinskiy cripple. It is rather easy to overcome to.
Downstream there is Usva village where you can find a long cripple, that is called Usvinskiy After the cripple there is an old mine village, which is situated on both river banks. A railway line and an auto road pass through the village, so tourists can go to Chertovo Gorodishche.
Falling down the river there is a natural monument Pervomayskaya cave. Its length is about 150 meters. Bats are the owners of the cave. Get ready to meet them!
Rafting 5 kilometers else travelers can see large Usva columns on the one bank of the river. Many years ago there were Gulag detention camps and villages (Gulag is the system of Soviet labour camps and prisons 1920s-1950s).
About twenty years ago, you could see barracks, two-tire beds and rusty barbed wire.
The travelling can be finished in Mys or Bobrovka villages. It is possible to arrange some kind of transport, which will be waiting for tourists there. Also you can go to Chusovoy town by regular bus.
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